About Us

our vision and mission

Trade for Trafficking (TFT) was born from years of working with impoverished communities, struggling families, and organizations trying to find jobs for trafficking survivors.  Established in 2013, TFT seeks to restore those who have been trafficked, to prevent trafficking of the vulnerable, and to bring ultimate freedom to affected individuals and communities by generating sustainable, creative, and dignifying work.

Human trafficking is an economic problem, in which poverty and lack of employment are the fundamental drivers for global exploitation.  This desperation leads many people into traps set by traffickers, in which they promise a good job far away and it is too late once people find out they have become a slave.  Even for those who have managed to escape, studies show that up to 50% may be re-trafficked due to the same instability and need for a job.

To combat this economic problem, we created a global marketplace through which we design, select, and sell unique products that are handmade and high quality.   Most of them are made by women in restoration and prevention programs in 8 countries of Eastern Europe and SouthEast Asia.  In our model, we buy directly from these programs and the affected women at market rates, rather than donating a small % of proceeds back as many social enterprises do.  This enables them to learn to run their own business instead of relying on benevolence from abroad.

While human trafficking is a trendy topic, and a lot of stories are told, we also believe that there is a misconception it is isolated to just a few people and areas of the world.  In reality, it is everywhere and getting worse.  A part of our mission is to inform you, the buyer, of relevant and current articles and media about global trafficking today.  Please browse our news and resources to become as informed as you can about this modern-day crisis.  Some of this content is disturbing and must be read/viewed with discretion.

Finally, although we hope you support our vision, we are not looking for a lot of sympathy purchases.  In order to bring sustainable freedom to more and more women, we have to be competitive in terms of quality and selection.  We want you to value what you purchase in and of itself, in addition to the meaning behind it.  We welcome your feedback on any of our items.

For gifts, if you would like to include a card with the vision underlying your purchase, you can access it HERE as JPG or HERE as PDF.

Thank you for the part you play in changing lives!