The Long and Dangerous Road to Slavery

Nuns Pose As Prostitutes To Rescue Victims of Human Sex Trafficking
December 9, 2015
Global Super Markets Selling Shrimp Peeled By Slaves
December 16, 2015

The Long and Dangerous Road to Slavery

The unmarked flat in a grey cement building on the edge of an Italian hillside town is deliberately anonymous and decorated with donated Ikea furniture. Dora is perched on an armchair inside, her voice cracking with emotion as she tells how she came to this shelter for abuse victims. Earlier this year, in her native Nigeria, she swore an oath that led her to be trafficked to Europe as a sex slave. “I thought that when I came here they would look for a job for me but I didn’t know it was prostitution,” she says.

Read the full article here: FT

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