Hundreds Of Children In Nepal Are At Risk For Trafficking After Earthquake

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Hundreds Of Children In Nepal Are At Risk For Trafficking After Earthquake

Ishara S.KODIKARA/AFP/Getty Images

As Nepal begins to recover from its deadliest disaster on record, the country’s youngest survivors are now at a higher risk for another calamity: getting sold into the human trafficking trade.

Since the first earthquake hit, at least 245 children have been rescued from getting trafficked or illegally placed in children’s care homes, according to the aid organization.

“Loss of livelihoods and worsening living conditions may allow traffickers to easily convince parents to give their children up for what they are made to believe will be a better life,” Tomoo Hozumi, UNICEF Nepal representative, said in a statement. “The traffickers promise education, meals and a better future. But the reality is that many of those children could end up being horrendously exploited and abused.”

Read entire article: Huffington Post

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