Women ‘held as slaves for 30 years’

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Women ‘held as slaves for 30 years’

Three women have been “rescued” from a south London house as police investigate claims they were held as slaves for about 30 years.

A Malaysian woman, 69, an Irish woman, 57, and a British woman, 30, were rescued from the house on 25 October.

The women, who are said to be “highly traumatised”, were found following delicate phone conversations between the charity and the 57-year-old, who had secretly gained access to a phone.

There followed a number of phone conversations over a week, and the three woman eventually left the property when the owners of the house were not around, the charity said.

The 30-year-old had spent her whole life in captivity. Officers are trying to establish whether she was born in the house.

Read entire article: BBC

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